Thursday, October 13, 2016


1. “Help yourself to any food in the house.”
From a babysitter’s prospective, after watching children it is nice to not have to worry about being hungry. It is really nice to just have the option to eat. Also don’t just assume the babysitter knows your food is available. Make a point to tell the babysitter he/she is welcome to any food in the house. They are caring for your children please don’t your sitter hungry.

2. “You don’t need to bathe the kids tonight.”
If I am caring for a new family or a family with older children it can be a bit uncomfortable to bathe children. Your children don’t want a stranger bathing them and as a babysitter it is hard enough to get the bedtime routine without throwing in a bath on top.  In addition, it can postpone bedtime, and leave your house a mess.

3. “My wife will drive you home”
It is always weird, as a female, to have the husband drive me home. It innately is more comfortable to have the wife drive, no matter how nice or amazing the husband may be. In addition, if both parents have been drinking offer to call your babysitter a cab and pay for it. Please don’t make it uncomfortable for the babysitter to feel obligated to get in a car when he/she smells booze on your breath.

4. “Here is the WIFI password and instructions on using the television.”

            It is really nice to have access to WIFI and the TV. As a babysitter I personally use the internet all the time for educational shows, nursery rhymes, and to fact check when a child asks me a question. Also with so many different types of TV’s and sound systems out there it is nice to have a sheet of instructions for the TV, so when the child goes to bed the babysitter has something to do until you get home.

For more information on babysitting visit my websites:

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